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Monday 14 November 2016


Saturday Morning's Sunrise
One of the aspects of my internship is working with one of the Sunday school groups... the oldest group that meets on Sunday mornings during the service is called Trailblazers. Trailblazers is for the 9-11 year olds and is made up of a varying group of youngsters, from a varied assortment of backgrounds. Most of these kids speak English or Dutch with a few speaking both languages. Yesterday was my second time on the job, so to say, and I really enjoyed it. I'm glad that I can help out with Trailblazers, like I enjoy helping out with the youth group and the various projects that fall under the rather broad title called admin.

Well, yesterday I arrived early at church as I was able to get a lift into The Hague Den Haag (which saved me biking in or taking the bus), so I was able to help with the registration form for the group. At Redeemer, we have a registration process that looks like this: the parents will come in with their kids and will sign their kids in with whichever group their kids belong to. For the younger groups the parents will be given a card with their child's name on it... most of the groups will leave the service after a few worship songs and after the service the parents collect their children by handing this card in to one of the kids workers. Trailblazers' staff don't use the card; the parents will sign their kids in and then once the service is done, the kids are returned to the crypt, where their parents are enjoying tea, coffee and conversation.

Because we have a mix of English and Dutch speaking children, we do aim to translate the material either from English to Dutch or the other way around. So this last Sunday, I had the pleasure of translating from Dutch into English. I've translated for people before, though usually its been one-on-one translation... so this was the first time I've translated for such a large group of young people. I really enjoyed it. We were looking at the story of Jacob, when Jacob fought with God and God changed his name to Israel so at the end, the kids had a lot of fun founding out what their names mean. Some of them had no idea what their names mean, whilst others do.

Well, I gotta go but I'll write again later this week.