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Wednesday 30 November 2016

Looking Back, Looking Forwards

Looking Back
November finishes today. I can't quite believe where the last month has gone. Its been a month of highs and lows, of travel and adventure, of normal life. November's seen a new US president elected into office. At the beginning of the month I went to England for the Prayer Days in Sidcup as well as for Impact Training. The weeks that followed my return has seen me find a rhythm again.

November has also seen me battle with my mental health and my weight. Both weight loss and mental health are too complicated to be written about in short. Some of you know that my battle with depression didn't end when I left boarding school, I've had a number of times when it would surface and I had no one to go to for help. So I battled on my own. After the last episode I promised myself, and my parents a few months later, that if it happened again I'd get help. So I did... I've had help. I also written a number of posts about my weight loss and the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle; I know I'll write many more before my time is done, so be warned!

Looking Ahead
I'll share one thing that I've been looking forwards to over the last few months. Now, I've written about my love for Outlander in numerous posts since I watch the first episode of the first season. Another series that I've been hooked on for the better part of this year is a History Channel series (the first of its kind on this particular channel) called Vikings. This series is a historical account based on the that follows the story of a Viking ruler, king and hero, Ragnar Lodbrok. The series starts just before he raids the Monastery at Lindisfarne (situated on the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, off the northeast coast of Eangland) and follows Ragnar's journey as he goes on to become leader and king. The story also branches out to follow the stories of two of his wives, Largertha, the sheildmeiden and Aslaug, a princess who claimed to be daughter of the Valkyrie, Brynhildr. The series also follows the lives of Ragnar's brother, Rollo, and sons (Bjorn Ironside, Ubbe, Hvitserk Snake-in-the-Eye, Sigurd and Ivar The Boneless). I don't want to ruin the series for you, if you haven't seen it... its been something I've been looking forwards to since the end of Season 4 Part 2.