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Friday 11 November 2016


The entrance to Greenwich Market
I got back from England yesterday afternoon after a great week away. I flew over to England with a few other people from the office on Tuesday 2 November. There was a conference at one of our sister churches in Sidcup, England. So  A number of various churches came together to pray for a number of church plants that are being planned for the up coming season. We didn't end up praying for the better part of two days, we spent a lot of time worshiping God (the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity). I really enjoyed spending those two days being able to focus on God like that.

The rest of the group I came with returned back to Nederland the in afternoon of Thursday 3 November. I stayed on in England for another week due to having an Impact Training Block that started on Monday 7 November. I didn't want to to have two lots of journeys to and from the UK so close together. So between the end of the Prayer Days and the start of Impact, I spent the weekend with my cousin, Amanda, and her little family. I really enjoyed being able to spend time with her and her boyfriend, Jason, and her son, Taylor (and their two beautiful cats). On Sunday afternoon we went to Greenwich. Greenwich is usually known by the term Greenwich Mean Time GMT. Its a town on the River Thames, just across the water from London city centre and is the home of the Royal Naval Academy and the Royal Observatory. You'll also find the ship, the Cutty Sark, there. We went to the Greenwich Market, which is a lot like the market at Convent Garden... if you haven't been there its a collection of stalls in a small square. Its a lot of fun to visit.

The Great City of London is On The Other Bank
On Monday Amanda dropped me off at Broadstone Warren for the November Impact training. We had so much fun together... as well as having some testimonies and talks on the New Testament Book of Romans. We also had a lot of fun in our free time. The US election caused quite a stir (and very little sleep for some of us).

I had a bit of a revelation on the train home yesterday. When I decided to do Impact I kinda wanted to get it done with as fast as possible and then move back to England. I've wanted to go back to English since I moved to Holland in July 2015. However God has kept me here, but its been the last two months when changes have started taking place in my heat. I've come to the realization that The Hague Den Haag and where I live at the moment have become my home. The previous times I've flown to England it was a real struggle coming back to the Netherlands, however this time I was actually looking forwards to returning. Yes, I was sad I was leaving England but at the same time I was glad to be returning to my fatherland. I've come to see this country as home more over the last two months than in the year running up to my move to The Hague Den Haag. There are a multitude of reasons behind why its taken so long but its mainly been a heart issue. I wasn't in the right place before... and I know I wouldn't have been able to say that if God asked me to stay in the Netherlands for a few years, I'd have been able to do that. If I'd known I'd be in the Netherlands two years after I arrived, I probably wouldn't have come. So its a good think that I didn't know how long I'd be here for. To be honest, its a good thing I still don't that.