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Friday 25 November 2016


The Council Went And Trimmed A Tree On The Nieuwe Kerk Grounds
In the spirit of thanksgiving (I didn't celebrate it yesterday but I love the idea of being thankful for what I have), I thought I'd do what so many others are doing and write about being thankful.

So often we look at what we don't have, the things we want to have and we tell ourselves that we'll be happy if we have that one item... however, once we get that item, the happiness is short lived, as we realize that the happiness and contentment is actually hollow. The item we thought would satisfy the emptiness inside doesn't actually do that, once we've got that item, we put it in the stockpile and set our eyes on the next item. Everyone looks to a different thing or combination of things to fill the emptiness inside when, in truth, Jesus is the only one who can do that. Yes, I do know Jesus as my personal savior and friend, and one of the biggest pieces of wisdom I've received in my life is to be grateful for what I have, instead of looking at what I don't have. I've also been in the process of teaching myself, with help (of course), not to compare myself to those around me (something that's easier said than done, especially when you live in a world where materialism is such a big thing)... and to give thanks for what I do have, rather than complain to anyone who'll listen to me, about what I want to have but don't.

Christmas Decoratios
I have many things to be thankful for. Parents who love me. Amazing siblings. A living relationship with the living God. Enough money to live. Friends around me. An awesome office team, my blog, Blipfoto and the list goes on.

God knows my needs before I do. I'm so grateful that he's been providing for me over the last several years. There are some people who think I'm crazy to be living like this, but to be honest, I can deal with crazy. My whole life has been crazy if you compare it to the lives of my generation who grew up in the west. However I don't do comparisons very well. I'm different, I'm unique, I'm myself and that's all that matters. That's another thing that I'm extremely thankful for that.

I remember one time my parents asked me to write a list of fifty things I was thankful for. I don't have that list anymore but as I worked down that list, I remember coming up with a hundred items rather than fifty. That's when I realized that I should be grateful more... its a choice and I've chosen to be grateful for life and all I have.