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Wednesday 16 November 2016

Radical :: Tea

What's Left Of My Stash of Green Tea In The Office
I'm writing this post whilst I'm waiting for some Sunday School material to upload to the NAS (in other words, the file server). Its a slow process and can get quite frustrating. So I tend to try to keep myself distracted with various things, like quickly updating my Blipfoto Journal... yes, I'm still doing that on a daily basis (and I used the same photo as I did here).

There's some small changes that I've made over the last months. The changes aren't drastic, so no worries on that front. I've written about my love of coffee over the last few months. I still love coffee and I doubt that'll change any time soon. However, I've been struggling falling asleep at night for a while now. Its not because of I haven't been tired, I've been roling into bed exhausted but unable to sleep because my brain is on overdrive. Before I can rule out an overactive mind, I wanted to rule out my caffeine intake, or at least reduce it to a point that the probability that my sleep problems aren't still hanging around because of my love for coffee.

So, my plan of attack, over the next period of time, is that reduce my coffee intake to the point where I'm only drinking a cup first thing in the morning before I leave for the office. This step is to prevent a caffeine induced headache from hitting me at some point during the rest of the day. This type of headache is nasty. After I get to the office, I resort to drinking strong English tea with a little bit milk, or its green tea. I know there's caffeine in normal tea but not nearly caffeine as in coffee. I do miss drinking as much coffee as I did a while ago, but to be honest, I'd rather get enough sleep at night to functionally normally. I'm one of those humans who happen to need more sleep than the average person. This is down to the fact my brain takes forever shutting down at night, thanks to being overactive (the base reason I need so much sleep), and as you expected caffeine has a negative effect on my brain when I want to sleep... so, for the moment, I'd rather give up my coffee for the sake of my health. I do really enjoy drinking tea. Its got a different taste to it than coffee does... its taken a while getting used to the smell of tea. For some reason, I haven't liked the smell of wet tea leaves. I still don't, which is why I don't use loose leaf tea.

Now you're probably wondering why I'm writing this, why I'm sharing this with you. I've written about coffee a number of times in the past, but I've never written about what I think about my tea intake and what I think of tea. Its part of my journey to become a new and more radical person. My coffee intake, my exercise, what I eat. Its all part of becoming the person God wants me to be.