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Wednesday 23 November 2016

A Quick One

The Sunrise Yesterday
The days have been getting noticeably shorter. Its been getting light after I walk out the door in the morning... a few months ago, it was light long before I got out of bed. A not so noticeable change is that the temperature has dropped into the single didgets but feels like its stabilizing at a temperature where its too still too warm for snow, but cold enough for a jacket and warm shoes. I've decided that I would like to see a good amount of snow this year, which means that the temperature needs to drop about six or seven degrees before there's any chance that'll happen. I am praying for this!

Its been very windy over the last few days. I haven't enjoyed this because I've wanted to bike to work more but because of the strong winds, which makes biking very dangerous. I don't want to get pushed into the path of a bus or a tram because by the wind.

Office work is going well. I've been sorting out the social media aspect now that the Sunday School material has been downloaded. This basically means organizing who's in charge of posting something from the different events through to the social media platforms that belong to the church (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram). I started an excel spreadsheet a few weeks ago but it was a bit obsolete so I had to do something with Google Calendar and then update the spreadsheet. It's all very interesting but rather fiddly... thankfully the windows software I have to work with is quite straightforwards. I haven't used my computer in ages as its still not working properly.