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Wednesday 17 August 2016

Throwback Post: Zebras

You Can See How Dry The Area Is
I said that I'd write about my time in South Africa as I didn't really post a lot whilst I was there. So here's the first post.

My parents live on a Wildlife Estate... which at the moment, is rather empty. There's a drought in the part of South Africa where my parents live, and quite a sever one. So a lot of the animals have been moved off the estate. Driving through the estate you really can see the emptiness, the dryness, the lack of animals and vegetation. When I lived in Hoedspruit I used to run regularly through the estate and I did so during my holiday, when we were here. I noticed, again, how empty the place is.

One story that I want to share is from one of my runs. The zebras in the Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate are generally very hard to see as they're shy creatures and usually hide deep in the bush so you don't see them. I was extremely fortunate to have one walk right past me. I saw a young one standing on the side of the road and I was able to get really close. The mother wasn't too pleased with me getting to close to her baby and gave me two warnings (she was hidden in the bush on the other side of the road). So I walked back and onto the side of the road. This gave the foal a chance to walk past me. The mother appeared a few minutes later and they continued on their way together.