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Saturday 20 August 2016


My Current Notebook For Journaling
The days are going by relatively swiftly and the packing is going well. I'm also sorting my things out as I need to decide what needs to come with me on my next adventure.

Over the last week I've spent time working on verious projects I've been working on over the last few months or years. One of these peojects is keeping a journal. I've been writing since I was eleven and it's gotten to the point where my writing keeps me sane. If there's something bothering me, I write it down or if I get a revelation about something, anything, I write it down. I've lived an extraordinary life. I mean, I've spent nineteen years of the last twenty three in countries where I don't hold citizenship to that country, where I need a visa to live there. I've had many adventures over the last twenty three years and I won't exchange that for anything. I was talking to one of my closest and oldest friends on FaceTime last night and we were both laughing so hard because of the things we got up to in our teenage years. Stories that were documented in notebooks that I called my journal. It's my legacy and if anything it's something to leave to future generations and if I live long enough in one place for longer than a year (in my heart I dream that one day I'll be able to settle down somewhere for longer than a few months) and I have access to all my journals, I'll use them as my primary source to write my biography. At the moment my journals are spread accross three countries (on two contents). I don't know what condition are my first few journals are in. I'm not totally sure where they are, in a shoebox in a container with the rest of my childhood things somewhere in Uganda. It does look like I won't be starting my biography for a few years as I won't be settling down, long for a while yet, due to very things (one day I will have my own place to call home).

News on my coming internship.
I heard yesterday that I have somewhere to stay for the duration of the internship, with a family (more to come when I've got more information). I'm also going to the UK for a week of training. I'm also looking forwards to that. It's going to be nice being back in the UK for longer than thirty six hours. More information to come over the next few weeks.