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Wednesday 14 December 2016

Love God Greatly

My Prayer Journal
A Revelation
As Christians we all know the drill, God loves me so much and that's why He sent Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. That was the greatest gift of all; its why God promised a messiah, a savior, to come and to save us. Something I've struggled with for years is how the word 'love' has lost its meaning. We know that God loves us... but is that head knowledge or heart knowledge? Have we made the connection in our hearts that God really loved us so much that He sent His son to die a sinner's death so that the orphans could become sons and daughters? Would you give up your only child so that you could adopt? When I think of God's love for me in that light, I think I understand a bit more. God wanted a relationship with mankind from the beginning. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God and were forced to leave the Garden of Eden, as punishment, God has a plan in mind to restore a relationship that was lost and I've seen this thread its way through the entire bible as I've read through from cover to cover.

One of my favourite books of the bible is in the Old Testament, called Leviticus. For many, its a book of rules that don't make sense in today's world, however this book wasn't written for today's world. I've read the book many times over the years. When I read it towards the end of my Discipleship Training School DTS, I asked God to tell me why He'd given the Israelites all these laws, many of which I didn't, and still don't totally understand. The answer came through straight away. God wanted a relationship with His people, however there was a problem. God is holy and the people weren't, so He made a way for the Israelites to purify themselves so they could enter His presence. However, because we all have a problem... we sin, and we don't stop when we become Christians. No one is perfect and God knows that. When He gave the laws to Moses He knew that the Israelites wouldn't be able to keep them perfectly all the time. So through the laws He gave He had an answer to the problem. He sent Jesus to fulfill the law for good, to atone for the sins of all humanity. When I heard this my love for God grew massively.

On a more positive note... thank you to everyone who answered my questions in my surveys . The first one will be open until Friday, 16 December 2016 and the second one will close around Saturday 31 December. If you haven't filled in one or both of the surveys, please do before they close because it'll be a great help for me to fine tune this blog space more. Click on the title of the survey form you haven't completed yet: Topics To Blog About and Blog Feedback. It'll be a huge blessing.