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Thursday 22 December 2016

Another Year Gone By

Taken on December 22, 2015
Today, as I celebrate my birthday I look back on the last year. It's been a year of many changes and much personal growth. I'm not the person I was 366 days ago and I'm not where I thought I would be... and in a way I'm grateful for that. I'm glad that things don't go according to the rough plans I had when I turned 23. I had hoped that I'd be back in England but God has kept me in the Netherlands and He's given me a love for my fatherland... to the point I'm really happy to stay put.

Last year, on my birthday, I was determined to return to England after my period as a volunteer at Youth With A Mission YWAM Heidebeek. I love England, London in particular. I wanted to go back really badly, though I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, I just wanted to go back. Twelve months can do a lot to change perspectives. I still want to return to London but the desire isn't as strong. I'm in The Hague now and I'm happy here. Though the future isn't certain, I'm at peace with where I am and I know that God will open the right doors at the right time. He always has and always will.

Over the last year my relationship with God has deepened and I've learned to trust him more in my day to day life, and especially in regards to my future, but that's not the point of this post. I'm so grateful for my relationship with God. Having that certainty in my life is one of the biggest points of gratitude that I have. No matter what happens, God will never let me down. He's holding me in his hands and I can rest assured that he won't drop me, ever.

The year I was 23 has been a great year, but I'm looking towards this next year with great expectation for the great works God is going to do in me and through me!