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Tuesday 20 December 2016

A Big Surprise!!

On Saturday morning, I collected Caleb from Den Haag Central Station. He said that he was meeting a friend outside my place, which seemed a bit weird, but I didn't suspect anything. Looking back now Caleb's reason we needed to go to Rijswijk doesn't add up properly, but I didn't think much about it. So we went back Rijswijk. I decided to drop my sports bag  at home, whilst Caleb saw his friend. Aron (the youngest member of my host family) was having his party on that afternoon, so I assumed the preparation that Rebecca was doing during the days running up to Saturday was for that. When we arrived home I noticed that there were a few people standing in the kitchen, but I didn't think about it. When I walked into the living room, I was rather nicely surprised by a group of friends from church. Rebecca and Prisca had organised a surprise party for me and had planned it so well that I didn't suspect anything. Caleb knew about it, as did my father. When we were on the bus Caleb was in contact with Prisca about where we were. Aron's party was the perfect alibi to cover my own surprise party. I didn't get any photos of the party as no one thought to take any photos of the event.

Then on Sunday, Caleb and I went to see our grandmother after church. We left straight after the service was done... it was a family reunion of sorts. Both of my father's brothers were there, so we sat in the restaurant of the care home my grandmother lives at. Its been a few years since I saw my uncles, aunts, and my cousin. I'm planning on seeing my grandmother when my father's here in January (I'm looking forwards to him coming!) and then on a regular basis after that. I haven't seen her in months because of the moving (and the price of public transport from Epe).