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Friday 9 December 2016


Nieuwe Kerk in the Sunset
Its a case of the same old news. I don't know what to write here. My life at the moment looks like it did every week since I moved to Rijswijk. My life has become normal, too normal and to some degree, rather boring. I love working at the Redeemer Office, and I love living with my host family but my life is running in monotone right now. There's no huge drama happening beyond my forgetting things at home when I head to work, almost missing my bus, or the internet not working properly. I can't help but reflect on my life in Uganda.

One of the things I miss the most about my life in Uganda is the unexpected, unpredictability of day to day life. I never knew how things would play out over the course of the day. I would never know how exactly my day would play out. I never knew how long it would take me to get a reasonable price for the boda boda (motorbike taxi) to wherever I was going. I always knew that people would want to talk me, about a couple of things, but I never knew who, when or what about. I miss Uganda, I miss the life I had there, though at the time I didn't want to be there. I've thought about going back to Uganda, many times over the years since I left. Maybe one day I will but at the moment I don't know what I'd do there. Maybe when my parents return there I'll visit them there. Uganda will always be in my heart and a part of me will always want to return there.

Maybe, hopefully, the next post will be a little bit more interesting than this one.