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Tuesday 5 July 2016

Rise To The Challenge

Asha & Me
Over the weekend I went to Eastern Holland to visit my dear friends, Hans & Joyce. Some of you probably remember that I stayed with them for about six weeks last summer (before I came to Heidebeek to do the School of Intercessory Prayer SOIP). I had a great weekend with them. We went for long walks, went on a buggy ride with Asha (the pony in the picture) and spent time with three of Joyce's grown up kids. It was a lot of fun, even though Asha is an extremely clever pony (and very strong) and kept trying to turn around whilst we were out as she quickly realised that Fey hadn't come with us. It was rather scary as she's a really strong pony. Highland ponies were first breed in Scotland and are built to carry and pull heavy loads across most terrains. They're also great long distance ponies. So Joyce and I had a battle on our hands keeping Asha from turning around. She managed to turn around a few times but we had to keep turning her back in the direction we wanted to go, which she didn't like very much. The homeward bound journey went a lot smoother because she realised where she was headed. Joyce told me that  few months ago Fey was extremely sick, she'd been poisoned or something, Joyce doesn't know... the vet had said that about 70% of ponies that have this type of poison don't make it. Its nothing short of a miracle that Fey is still alive, though a little thinner than she was before.

Currently, there aren't any schools running here at Heidebeek so the base is really quiet. The Generations Discipleship Training School DTS are currently on outreach in three different locations (Uganda, Serbia and Indonisi.a). The Generations DTS's outreaches aren't as long as the Classic, Football and Mercy & Justice DTS's due to having to fit the outreach into the children's school holidays as there are a number of families who do the DTS with school aged kids. The Bible For Life B4L finished a few weeks ago so there aren't a lot of the Biblical Studies staff on base at the moment as they've all got compensation... and are thus on holiday. I'm still in regular contact with my dear friend, McKenzie, who is seeing the Scottish sights and traveling about. I miss her.

Things are really progressing in the office quite quickly now, what with the teams arriving in about ten days time. It's really exciting and I'm looking forwards to it. This morning we moved our headquarters from the office upstairs to the conference room next to the Coffee Corner. We're going to be using the conference room until after the GOTeams arrive back from outreach. I'm just waiting for my computer to finish charging. I've been having problems with it charging properly over the last few months... I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do about it, as I'm still thinking about what I'm going to do about the bike that broke a few weeks ago.

The GOTeams Logo
I've been meaning to write for the last few days but we've been really busy in the office with stuff that needed working on. Things are starting to pick up with  the preparation for the fast approaching GOFest. We've got less than two weeks to go before it starts (on 15 July) and there are a few things are going into overdrive. So I'm not sure how much I'll be able to write between now and then.  I will write a longer post once the GOFest is done... though when exactly that'll be I'm not totally sure. I've got less that two days between when the teams fly out and when I fly out for South Africa. I've written in a previous post that I'm not going on outreach with a team, due to various reasons (I'll write a more detailed post later on), but instead I'm going to South Africa to visit family. I'm not sure when I'll see them again, after this trip.
