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Thursday 30 June 2016

The Runner's Frustrations

I've been wanting to write this post for a while now, but haven't known how to word it exactly. It's been something that's been bothering me and I just wanted to share the issue with you, my esteemed audience. However, before I begin, I want to ask that you read this post with an open mind, and in an attempt to understand my reasoning behind writing this. Its not to get attention in the sense that I want your praise about me running (which I'm not after), rather I want to draw your attention to how most runners would prefer to be treated, when they're out exercising. So, as you start reading this post I want to ask you to put yourself in my shoes, how would you want to be treated if you went running on the streets?

So to start with and to give you some background, I've been running for more than years now (intermittently). When I first began, in Uganda, I'd walk down to the nearby expat gym, get changed into my running kit, and go for a run on one of the treadmills there. To this day I still prefer running on a treadmill. There are a number of reasons for my preference:
  1. The weather doesn't effect my running. I love the rain (the smell, the sound, the feel) but I hate running when it's raining. Simply because I don't want to get wet and risk getting a cold (which entails I'll be coughing for weeks).
  2. Everyone that generally goes to the gym is there for the same reason, to get fit… or to loose weight (as is my case).
  3. You don't have to run with a water bottle in your hand or strapped to your waist. It sits nicely next to the machine, in easy access.
Since I left Uganda I've not had access to a gym, simply because I can't afford the high European gym membership fees, not to add, my schedules usually haven't allowed me to get my money's worth of gym visits even if I did have money to join. This has left me with only one option. The dreaded outdoor runs.

I really dislike running outdoors; to the point that my dislike borders on hatred. I only run outdoors because running, for me, is not a choice; it's a necessity. The reason for my dislike for running outdoors isn't the scenery (which is beautiful) but mainly down to people's reactions to me running. I'm not insecure about who I am. I love me for me and I honestly don't care what people think about me trying to get a bit fitter. I just strongly dislike the stares, the greetings, the encouragements, and worst of all, the occasional lewd comments.

When I run I don't want any interaction from anyone, be it people I know or total strangers. It infuriates me when I'm running on a bike path and I hear someone ringing their bell, so I move onto the verge or I pause to let them past. Yet, when they keep ringing their bell. It's only until they bike past that I realise they know me though I don't understand what they're trying to say with their noise. 

Personally I find it rude and insulting, like the comments and encouragement. People think they're being nice when they tell me I can do it or asking if I'm okay when I stop to catch my breath. I know that people mean well, but I don't appreciate it.

So next time you see someone running (no matter who they are or how fit or unfit they are), just ignore them. Don't look at them, don't talk to them and just give them the space to run past without slowing down because simply, they're brave enough to face the outside world in a running kit. And as I sign off, I want to ask you this question: are you brave enough to go running outdoors? Do you suffer from the comments as I do? Or do you enjoy it?