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Monday 13 June 2016

Somewhere Called Home

For the last four years I've traveled from country to country, following God from place to place. I've been to more countries in my life up until now than most people will in their lives (current total stands at twenty five). Its been an incredible adventure, and a rather difficult journey. When I left Uganda to do my Discipleship Training School DTS here at Youth With A Mission YWAM Heidebeek, my mum moved with my brother and sister to South Africa due to my brother's education. My dad moved down to join them a few months later and another family moved into our house in Kampala... I'm not going to go through the journey I've been on, but over the years I've learnt that my home isn't a house, or where certain people (like my family), its where God is, where God wants me to be. I know this is a bit of a cheesy thing to say, because God is everywhere... it just means that my home is wherever he puts me. It can very difficult sometimes as I do want to have my own place to settle down for a longer period of time... without the lingering thought at the back of my mind "Don't get too comfortable. You're not staying here long." Even when I've been with a given base for a while, there's always the chance I'll get asked to move from one room to another, or from one bed to another, which is just as unsettling as having to move house every few months. I think the biggest thing I've learned over the last few years is that God always opens a door for me to walk through. Even though it's usually at the last possible minute, I know he won't leave me to figure things out on my own. Right now, I'm waiting for an answer for the next step. I've got six weeks to have a solid decision to give to the base here and I'd appreciate that you'd stand with me in prayer, that God will make it clear where he wants me to go.