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Thursday 16 June 2016

A Weekend in Rotterdam

I'm sitting at my desk trying very hard to concentrate on my work, but as you can see I'm doing a pretty good job of failing to that because I'm writing here. Part of the reason I'm writing now is because I thought I'd give you a heads up about my upcoming trip. I'm doing this to save a repeat of what happened back in February when the world thought I was flying off to New Zealand, do to a misinterpreted post on my Facebook timeline (I still think people are too quick to believe what's posted on social media).

This afternoon I'm heading off to the great city of Rotterdam. Rotterdam is where my father was born and spent the early years of his childhood... its also the city where two of my closest friends live and I'm going to be visiting them for a few days (I'll be back at Youth With A Mission YWAM Heidebeek next week). I'm really looking forwards to this trip, because it usually involves late nights, board games and fun. Sometimes it really helps getting away from the normal surroundings to be able to have a proper break from the normal day to day things. Even on weekends there's certain things that need.

Whilst I'm writing about what's going to be happening this weekend, I might as well bring you up to speed about what's been happening since I posted my last blog entry. Where possible we've been booking tickets to the various locations, Rwanda, India and Brazil (the Faith Experience will have their tickets booked during the GOFest when they know where they're going). We've also been finalising different things. One of the things we've also been looking into is the process of the visa applications, again for the locations that need to have visas before the applicants board the planes to their final locations. Its been quite a busy few days... and its probably not going to change just yet. Next week's going to be busy as well, since Bas, one of my colleagues, is getting married next week (I'll write about this once his wedding has come and gone).

I'm going to wrap this up now, so until next time!