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Thursday 12 June 2014

Week Nine

I don't know where to being. The last few days have been interesting, to say the least. One big piece of news is that last Friday, one of the LMD students started the arts internship. Also of the staff also started the internship last week. It's weird not having the two of them coming with us as we're going about our daily things. This leads me on to the second big piece of news. We're back in Harlesden for lectures with the DTS this week, which means the schedule's been turned upside down. Every day, this week, we're out the door about an hour or so before the lecture's start at 10:15. On Monday, after the morning lectures were finished, we went rushing back to Dartmouth Road to do our work duties, before heading back to Harlesden to be a part of Salvation Army. They've been rotating the different tasks the LMD and DTS students are involved in, so last night I was involved with the prayer room, along with Melissa (the LMD from Ecuador) and another lady. We prayed together for those who were coming past and whoever came into the room.

Sometimes we have to learn to trust God that He will do something in His timing. From time to time, I've been thinking about my future, from when the LMD finishes in September. One thing that God showed me last night was that He'll light up the  step just before I need to take it. Its a journey of trust because I'm one of those people who like knowing what's gonna happen ages in advance and over the last few years being able to trust God about the future has gotten easier. At the end of my DTS outreach I was ever so worried about what was going to happen after the DTS finished and I struggled trusting God... But it did come together. The LMD doesn't finish for another two months and I know that God will reveal it to me when the time is right and thus I can relax in the fact that God holds my future safely in His hands. He'll show me. I have peace about my future and when things come together, and are more certain than I am now, then and only then, I'll post with what the next step is going to be.

But before I can talk about the what's happening after the LMD is done, there's other things that are closer to hand that you are probably wondering about. This is namely, what's happening with the outreach locations. The outreach locations will probably be announced at some point next week. Don't worry I haven't forgotten to tell you about that.

The frirst two photos I took from the second floor of the Harlesden Salvation Army building where we're having our lectures this week.