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Friday 9 June 2017

Blipfoto; My Photo A Day Journal

Blipped on 2 June 2017
On January 22, 2014 I started a journey of adventure, discovery and learning. I had only just turned 21, and was living in South Africa with my parents... when I discovered a platform called This website is one that allows the user to post one photo a day, with along with a description, a title, tags and a location. It's a simplified version of blogging on here, but on a daily basis. In a way its a bit like having Instagram or Flickr, where you can't post the text without the photo to go with it.

I found Blipfoto through a friend of a friend who had an account that she'd kinda stopped using. I loved the idea and once I started Blipping (as we call it) I never stopped. It takes a lot of commitment as you have to choose to take a photo every day, without fail, for as long as you possibly can. I've also come under a lot of criticism for doing it; due a case of legalism in those around me as they didn't think I should be in bondage (or something along those lines) to posting daily (or to coffee, but that's another story). For me and for many others, Blipfoto has become an addiction, its something we truly love to do, partly to experience the world through the eyes of others and to document our ordinary or not so ordinary lives as we journey through each day. I've learned so much from those I follow and who's lives I've seen change in so many different ways since I started following them. Some of whom I've been following since I joined the platform, whilst others I've started following over the last few months.

Personally, I've seen my photography improve over the years as this journal marks a day by day expedition across countless borders and into new countries and cities, as I turn new leaves and start new adventures. I love looking back and seeing where I've been over the years, as I remember the situations behind my sometimes cryptic descriptions. Generally because I've wanted to protect people who were giving me a hard time, or because I wanted to keep something quiet as I wanted to pray into it more.

I've had a profile on Blipfoto for nearly three and a half years and have posted very day since I began. I'm planning to stay for as long as I'm alive and Blipfoto exists. If you're the type who likes a good challenge and enjoys photography, I would strongly recommend joining Blipfoto then, just click here and follow the steps to creating a profile. I hope you're up for the challenge!