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Wednesday 11 May 2016


Over the last few weeks, I've really been thinking about how influenced we are, as humans, by the opinions of those around us. Our friends, our colleagues and our families, even random strangers and acquaintances we barely know play a part in how we act and essentially makes us act in certain ways.

We have opinions about everything, and everyone we meet. Studies have shown that we form an opinion about a stranger within seven seconds of meeting them... what we do with these opinions are up to us. We need to know when to speak and when to stay silent. Over the last few years I've had to really guard my soul from hurtful comments from people and forgive them for what they've said. Often I'm not sure if they meant what they said to be helpful or to hurt me. I try to think they're trying to be helpful and didn't mean for it to come across badly.

I don't want to pick a bone with anyone in regards to this post... people take offence so easily and over things that don't involve them. I want my posts to be more honest. I'm not writing what any one group of people want to hear. If I don't write down the truth I see, then I might as well stop writing... and I really don't want to do that. So please respect the fact that we're all allowed to have our own opinions.

Please note. I just want to say I'm not writing this because someone said something to me. I'm not so low as to write it here. I've written this post because this topic is something that I want to share... it's a free world, please give me the freedom to express myself on this platform.