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Friday 20 May 2016

All of the Noise

I really miss my Dachshund, Bessie, who I had to leave in Uganda in 2012
Its one of those days.... when fatigue is a very present reality and worries about everything, especially my future, crowd my already tired mind. I'm still swamped by the uncertainty of what happens next... what happens in September when my time as a of volunteer ends. I don't know what I'm going to do next and I'm really struggling to focus on what God wants, what God is saying. So many people want to know, and throw their thoughts on the matter into the mix... something that doesn't help me focus on God. Its a bit tricky hearing God's voice when a hundred other voices crowd out his still small voice. Don't get me wrong! I appreciate the fact that people care enough about me to want to share what they think, but at the moment, its really confusing and unhelpful.

So often, over the last few weeks, I caught myself wishing that things were as straight forwards as when I was a child... when things were so clearly outlined by life in school and life outside of school. I remember I wished, so badly, that I could grow up and be able to do things without being bullied about it (I was bullied almost all the way through school). Now, I am an adult and the problems seem to have just multiplied a couple of times, though its not bullying that I'm worried about anymore. I'm not asking for your sympathy, just your understanding. I'm not looking at receiving help for all this, I'm just asking for your prayers that I'll God's voice about the way forwards and the next step I need to take.