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Sunday 14 December 2014

The Sunbaked Lands

One thing about the equatorial countries is the light. There's almost too much light, and it's that intense light that will burn you if you're not careful. Its everywhere. It goes everywhere, penetrating into the recesses of the corners of the room. It's one thing I've sorely missed since I moved to England. The sun doesn't shine in the same way as it does here in East Africa. My skin's been lapping up the sun, though I've been extremely careful not get burnt so badly I end up looking like a lobster. There's a sense of beauty in being able to truely enjoy the heat. I'm so glad that I'm here now, when England's so cold and dark. The equatorial lands are blessed with roughly the same amount of light and darkness all year round, and the temperature. It's the same all year round. Sometimes when people go back to England they don't realize how cold it can be, how cold it can get over there. It's something I'm still getting used to and sometimes I don't know if I'll ever totally get used to the weather or the light patterns of the northern hemosphere. 

I still can't believe that I'm here, that I'm back in East Africa, that I can visit Uganda and Kenya. Both countries have had such a big impact in my life, both in a good and bad way. It's been a dream, to come back, since I finished my DTS* in March 2013. However, at the same time I'm really grateful that I didn't end up coming back then because I wasn't ready to come back to this part of africa. In a way, I wonder if I'm still not ready to be back. Though, I'm sure The Lord would have shut the door on my coming back now if the timing wasn't right. Yet here I am. In East Africa. Sometimes I do feel like I'm dreaming as I've wanted to come back for so long that I have had dreams about being back. I don't think I've been able to celebrate my birthday in Uganda since I turned nineteen, and that was almost three years ago.

*DTS = Discipleship Training School