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Wednesday 10 December 2014

In Kenya

The Maasai
We're at the Kenyan coast! We flew in yesterday afternoon after traveling for quite a few hours. One of Caleb's school friends flew up from South Africa and is spending the rest of the holiday with us. He's also going back to Uganda with us. Its exciting being back here after so many years (two and a half, to be exact). We've been coming to the coast for as long as I can remember. We're fortunate to be able to come! The hotel we're in is a lovely all inclusive hotel that encourages their visitors to come back again and again. I'm not going to say how many times we've stayed here.

One thing that really shocked me this morning is that in twelve days time I'm turning 22. Its hard to believe how fast the time goes as it feels like only last week I turned 21, on the Kwa-Zulu Natal coast in South Africa. I didn't think or even dream that I'd be celebrating 22 in Uganda as I wasn't sure if I'd come back. I'm still processing everything.