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Friday 31 January 2014

Unseen Changes And Another Hard Turn

Over the last few weeks it feels like I've been going through a whole series of faith shaking events. Those of you who have been following my story, both here on my blog and on Facebook, have been aware that I've been going through a long and drawn out process of applying for a special program visa, so I can work with YWAM in Darwin, Australia.

Just the other day, this door was shut. Not via my visa being denied but because I was led to write to the Department of Immigration and withdraw my visa. There were a number of reasons behind this decision. My peace went out the window when I heard that the DTS I was hoping to staff has only one student. There were a few people who suggested me doing different things with other organizations in Australia but I didn't feel right about that nor did I quite like the idea of starting my visa application from the beginning. I know God has called me to work with YWAM. There's no doubt about that.

The last nine months since I have been in South Africa have not been wasted, as some might think. I've learnt so much since I've been here. I did a counseling course and I've learnt so much from my mother.

I don't know where exactly I'll be going next, but I know that I'm going to stay with YWAM, and that it'll be somewhere in Europe. On my DTS God really made it clear that I'm a team player and that I function best in a team situation. God showed me this again when I joined one of Operation Mobilization's Africa Trek teams for a week in Swaziland. God will show me the next step soon.

I'll let you know what the next step is when I do.