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Tuesday 18 April 2017

An Introduction

For so long I thought I was doomed to singleness for the rest for the rest of my life. People tried to tell me otherwise, but I didn't believe them. A long time ago, I stopped believing it would change, as I saw many of my friends start relationships and get married, some of whom now have children. I began to find contentment in my singleness and I aimed to get to know God better. I began to realise that my relationship with Him was more important than any of my other relationships. I don't remember actually making the decision, it just happened. I was content and happy in being single, despite the pressures of the world around me (I'll post my findings on that at a later date).

Last week, a friend came to visit me in the Netherlands and left yesterday evening. It's safe to say he didn't stay just a friend for very long. So this post is me introducing my boyfriend, Andy, to you. I never thought this would happen and I couldn't be happier. I know you're all very curious about how Andy and I met and what the future holds for us. We're both doing the same internship, Impact, but with different churches and in different countries. Thankfully there's social media and fast internet, so we've been able to keep in contact, which makes this long distance relationship a little easier. Over the last three months or so we've been in contact on an almost daily basis and when Andy was over here he asked my dad if we could go out, which my dad gave his blessing to.

The future is still uncertain and might be announced in more detail on this blog at some point in the future. We're still talking about what's going to happen next and we would prefer not to do it on the world's stage. To be honest, I'm only writing this here because I'm sure many of you are curious about where we want this to go and want to know about it. The reason this has been kept so quiet is because we wanted to talk to my parents first and that's why it hasn't been posted online before (we also wanted to surprise the other impacters). All I'm going to say is that you're gonna have to wait and see where this goes.