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Monday 24 November 2014

London Calling

London St Pancras International, walking down the concourse towards the Underground station of King's Cross St Pancras, I was home, back in my city. It's a strange feeling. Knowing a city is home now. It getting into your skin and stays there. I don't honestly remember that moment when I knew I would one day live and work in this vibrant city, all I know is that I was called to come here. It was a disire that was placed in my heart by the Almighty One and its burns like a fire in my soul, one that I can't contain, control or ever put out, not that I'd want to do that. Uganda's my homeland, it's where I was born and grew up, but London's my home now. It's my city and it welcomes me with open arms whenever I leave, even for thirty six hours to visit family in different parts of the counties that surround London city.

I don't know if I mentioned, few weeks ago, that the last of the seven LMD students arrived. Philip, from Indian (pictured on the far left in the above photo). He arrived about a month ago and fitted right into how things runs on the base.

It's been a rediculious last couple of days and weeks. The LMD are fast approaching their mini-outreach to Luton but before they go, I'll be boarding a plane to Amsterdam and then Uganda. Yes! Believe it or not, I'm going to my beautiful homeland of Uganda for a whole month (though some of that time will be spent on the Kenyan coast). Hannah came back last week for another short visit. During this visit we went to the hairdresser and had our hair done. I wouldn't have mentioned this is if wasn't such a drastic change. I had my shoulder length blond hair cut to around my ears (as seen in the picture on the right). We also coloured our hair, ourselves, so I'm no longer a blonde, but a brunette (I don't know if that's spelt right). There were mixed reactions on the base when I returned from having it cut and when I came down stairs after coloring it.

Sorry about the fact that this post is a bit all over the place. Hopefully the next post won't be like this, but I don't know when I'll next post. Hopefully before I leave but I can't promise.