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Wednesday 12 March 2014

A Season Ends, Another Begins

It's finally happening! My adventure in England is finally beginning, finally materializing after so much prayer and thought. My next step in the great journey of life with my Lord is about to begin. It's scary and exciting at the same time. That kind that robs sleep and leaving you groveling for another cup of coffee to keep you from falling asleep or dozing when someone's talking to you, which is rather embarrassing. At least there's the bus journey when I can always try to get some sleep before my flights. The first flight I'm on is eight hours long, and is flies during the night, and the second, after an three hour, thirty five minute layover, is only about four hours long or so. Not nearly as bad as flighting directly from Johannesburg to London, which is about eleven hours long, about the same length as the flights to and from Brazil to Germany.

Due to the fact that I'm packing my life into two suitcases, yet again, and shutting the door on another season of my life, the last few days have been quite tough on me. I've had moments of extreme highs, like that moment when I was changing my rands into pounds, when I realized how close I was to leaving. Then those extremely low moments, like trying to decide what to pack into my suitcases, and what to leave behind. Most of what I have with me has memories attached to it and as I've had to weight up each item's usefulness over the sentimental aspect. I've been forced to ask myself, "Is this item going to be practical to have in England?" As well as praying that The Lord will direct my hands in regards to what to put in and what to take out of each case. It's a journey I've had to walk alone with my God, which is why I've not said anything before now.

To be honest, I feel like I'm in a waking dream almost, because of the potential the future holds for me. I'm ever so excited, but at the same time I feel almost like it's happening to someone else and I'm watching from a distance. Like I'm watching myself leave, if that makes sense. I can truthfully say that I've really learnt a lot living in here. I never dreamed I'd be here for so long (a total of eleven months), but I know that maybe one day I'll understand why I had to be here for this season, as I'm not sure I do now.

The photos in this blog post were taken, on Monday morning, when I was walking through Hoedspruit, running errands. The weather, for most of Monday, was down right strange, in my opinion, though the weather yesterday was really nice. Monday's weather was acting was like it couldn't make it's mind up whether or not to pour with rain. I kinda wished it would decide, because I kept having to pull my umbrella out and then put it away after only a few minutes, of light sprinkling, and with the laundry, I was forced to keep an eye on the clouds in case I needed to go running outside to bring it all back in. The rain kept coming and going, there were a few times when the rain was slightly heavier than a light sprinkling. I found it annoying, simply because I had washing that needed to dry and when you're trying to get a whole load of washing to dry outside, all the weather's sprinkling does is keep the clothes damp. So I had to resort to hanging stuff inside. It dried over night so I was able to put it all away this morning, after I ironed what needed ironing. At least the weather today is nice and the sun's shining. I'm still hoping and praying it doesn't rain this afternoon and tonight because some of the riverlets will flood if it rains heavily, which will make it difficult getting to Johannesburg and the airport.

As I have to sign off now, I want to say that I'll post here again. As tomorrow is going to be quite hectic getting out, so I'll probably write when I get to England, once things are settled down a bit. However, I do encourage you towatch my blip journal for the photos I'm attempting to post there on a daily basis. Simply go to "photography" at the top of the page and follow the link from there.