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Monday 4 September 2017


Ash Asleep On My Bed
It's Monday afternoon and we still don't have jobs, however we haven't been sitting around doing nothing. CVs and reference forms have been handed out for weeks now. Every time I've gone into Crawley and seen a shop that has a job vacancy sign in the window, I've gone in and handed one in. There have been a few where I've needed to email them. Most of these jobs have been part-time or temporary, some allow the opportunity to work overtime (I'll get paid for the hours I've worked overtime). I've gotten to the point where I'm willing to take anything at the moment that my qualifications, or lack there of, allows. I still haven't heard anything from any of these shops (as most of them are) or from the job agency where Andy and I handed our CVs into a while back. I'm still hopeful we'll get jobs sooner rather than later as we both need to be able to financially support ourselves (prayers would be much appreciated in this process).

When I was in Holland I was getting a small allowance from the government because my income was below the minimum. When I came over to England I cancelled that, letting them know I'd left the country. Its been a long process of making phone calls, then waiting to receive letters, which needed to sent back. Then on Saturday I got a letter saying I needed to pay six times more than I had expected and there was no explanation why I needed to pay so much. Since I got the letter on Saturday I had to wait until this morning to phone them to ask, which I did. The reason was that the government thought I hadn't been paying my health insurance (which is mean I would have to pay) between February and July. I explained that I had been been paying, so they're going to look into it again. So I should be hearing them again by Friday, hopefully with a favourable outcome (that I don't have to pay the large amount).