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Friday 15 April 2016

Beautiful Rain

Last night's sunset
It rained again today, and almost constantly. Its something that I'm really grateful about it. I've also been really grateful for the couple of days of absolutely beautiful weather we've had... warm and dry. I've stopped wearing my heavy winter jacket, since its too thick, even for the short journey from Herdershof (my home) to Youth With A Mission YWAM Heidebeek, which takes about five minutes by bike, maybe ten if I take my time. I'm so grateful that spring is coming, even though it means that its the allergy season for most people, which means that there's always a chance that my lungs, eyes and nose might kick up problems... but I'm grateful that I've not had to deal with that now. The days are also getting longer, and the nights shorter. I've been going running more regularly. Yesterday, I went running just before the sun set, and was able to capture the sun sinking below the horizon. I was extremely grateful to be able to see that.

Last night's sunset through the trees
Things really interesting in the office over the last two weeks or so. Bas is getting married soon and had some days off to help Maartje, his fiancée, move, at the same time my parents were here, and they're getting married in a matter of weeks. Carl's wife, Mayke, is pregnant with their third child and is due to deliver anytime soon. So there's a sense of expectancy in the office. We're also picking up pace with the preparation for the GO Teams outreach this summer. We're almost finished with some projects that we're also waiting for answers for (which is why they aren't finished already). We'll need to see how things turn out over the next few weeks.

A few months ago the GO Teams office went to a church about an hour and a half's drive from here. This particular church is planning to send their youth group to Rwanda with us in July and August... they've asked Bas to speak at their youth service, and since Carl is waiting for the baby to arrive, Bas and I will be heading that way to represent the GO Teams department. Its interesting to see how the team is preparing for the outreach and, of course, to answer the host of questions that are most likely to come our way.

Its almost dinner time, so gotta sign off now! Until next time.