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Thursday 25 February 2016

Another Bed To Lay My Head

My New Bed
The Housing Situation
I know this is quite sudden for some of you... given that I haven't written in a few weeks, and then I write to say that I've moved Youth With A Mission YWAM Heidebeek houses. I was living at the main accommodation building Licht in Duuister LID, in a room belonging to one of the September's Classic Discipleship Training School DTS staff, who is returning from outreach in Greece tomorrow. I knew that I needed to move but I didn't know where I was being moved to. YWAM Heidebeek is really detailed and precise about where everyone is sleeping at such a large base like this one (Housing is a department all by itself; almost) so I can't just move into another room without being notified about where I'm going. So last week I wrote to the housing department asking where I was going. I'd had people coming up to me three weeks ago asking if I knew what was happening in this department; I'm not that stressed about this stuff so many weeks in advance. After I wrote the email, I was approached by one of the women in Housing who wanted to talk to me about my new arrangements. I had hoped that I'd stay at LID, but I am flexible and open to being moved to one of the two other housing facilities (Herdershof and Epe House). So I'm now living closer to Heidebeek, at Hedershof. Its exciting because I've only been here once, over three years ago, to prepare a room (its the room on the other side of the hall to where I am now). I'm in one of the guestrooms, and I've got this huge beautiful room all to myself, for now at least. There's a chance I have to share with another of the staff.

GO Teams News
Things are going well in the office as well. Carl's away this week, at a leadership conference in Milan, Italy. This has left Bas and me in the office. We've done the odd jobs that Carl left us to do... and in my spare time I packed for moving (I didn't know I had to many odds and ends). Bas and his fiancee*, Maartje, helped me move from LID to Herdershof.

The week after I came back from Zeeland I had wanted to post something, but I was sick all last week. Every year this cold/flu goes round the base, and one of the symptoms is extreme tiredness along side the normal cold/flu symptoms. I think I slept almost every afternoon last week. I ended up asking to go home half way through the morning due to being too tired and sick to keep working. It took about six days to feel well enough to do anything behind stay in bed.

*Fiancee, with the double e at the end of the word, refers to a woman who is engaged to be married, whilst fiance, ending with a single e, refers to a man who is engaged.