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Sunday 11 January 2015

The Funny One

I honestly don't know where to start. There have been so many changes in the last week and the Sports & Media DTS hasn't even started yet.

I arrived back in England a week ago. It was long journey from Uganda as you might have gathered from my last post a week ago. Things aren't really busy yet, though people are running about finishing the final preparations for the DTS's start on Friday. The students are arriving over the next few days, so the staff are being moved to new rooms... which includes me.

The house on Dartmouth Road has three floors (including the ground floor). Since I arrived in April I've been sleeping in one of the rooms on the middle floor, which is known as the female students room. I've moved beds a few times but that's been my room. Now, I'm moving upstairs to one of the staff rooms on the third floor. Its saying that I've really become one of the house staff here at Dartmouth Road, which is great. I've gone from having the possibility of having five room mates to have the possibility of having three roommates. I'm still on upper bunk, which isn't a problem. As a child, growing up in Jinja, my sister and I shared a room and a bunk bed. I had the upper bunk back then. This post isn't all about beds, but where we sleep is very important.

There's so many things that I'm grateful for. The Lord has given me so much! One thing is the people I live with. They're amazing! I've been dubbed, by one of the guys, as the Funny One (the name of this post), so I must have a sense of humour somewhere inside me! Hehe.