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Friday 15 August 2014

Changes To Adjust To

It's been a while since I last posted, but things have been rediculiously busy and I've had a number of things I've had to do before moving back to Dartmouth Road.

So yes, I'm back at Dartmouth Road, though I'm the only one who's moved here, as more or less everyone else is moving into the church in Notting Hill for the Bones camp, which starts tonight. The reason I'm back at Dartmouth Road and not in the church with the three DTS's (the April DTS, the July DTS, and the Arts Revolution DTS, which started last night), and a number of the staff, is because I'm going to be working with the Bones Adventure Camp. This is the King's Kids camp, which runs during the afternoons here at Dartmouth Road. There going to be three of us who are the stay in staff, for this house. So yes, I'm back in a normal bed, after spending almost the entire outreach on bedrolls or camping cots.

So, last night the new Arts Revolution Discipleship Training School was introduced to the base. We celebrated this new chapter in the story of this base, with a BBQ (braai, in Afrikaans), but not any old BBQ, it was Argentinian style BBQ. It's exciting having another DTS running here, as the Arts house hasn't run a DTS before (they do run internships twice a year; you don't need to have a DTS to do an internship with YWAM Urban Key). To see people who are willing to follow God to another country to allow Him to work in their lives, to change them, is something I love to see.

Looking forwards to the next ten days, is exciting. I'll be working with some incredible kids, and along side some inspiration people from the base. The 'adults' Bone Camp runs to the 26th of August, whilst the Bones Adventure Camp for the kids, runs from next week Tuesday to August 24. We've got some incredible things planned to do, which has meant that I've been painting a few practical things, which I'll have to finish at a later date.

Photographs: double rainbow, taken from Station Road (if you follow me on Instagram, you'll have already seen this photo); and the barbecues used last night. Wheelbarrows have many purposes, you just gotta be inventive.