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Monday 17 February 2014

The Rains Have Come

The moon last night
The sun is a ball of white hot light high in the bright blue sky. The heat pounds down, shimmering off the ground, leaving water mirages on the tar roads, which are impossible to walk on, even with shoes because the heat seeps through the soles of your shoes. The temperature must be somewhere in the mid forties (Celsius). This is a typical summer's day for South Africa's lowvelt. It'll be like this for a few days, then it'll break, and the cooler weather will return with the rain.

When the rain does come, the black clouds roll in fast and angry. Sometimes, within an hour, the clear sky with have turned dark and rain would be falling in torrents. I've always loved the sound of the rain on the roof and against the windows. I've been lulled to sleep by the thunder and the rattle of the windows, the flash the lightening fills me with anticipation. The clouds chancing each other around the sky doesn't frighten me.

This summer hasn't been as hot as last year. I think it's barely pushed the mid-forties. Last year the heat was well into the fifties. The heat can be a bit of a nuisance, but I am glad it's raining again.

Just like the rain has brought a new season to this area of South Africa, changes and a new season may well be approaching in my life... I'll keep you posted.