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Sunday 23 February 2014

Beating About The Bush?

"No news is good news." I've never liked this statement, for some reason. I've always been a person who likes to know where I stand. No matter if the news is good or bad, I prefer knowing, but I think that's what God is working on, in my life, right now. He wants me to trust Him no matter what the future holds. Walking the walk, through the mists I can't see through. The only way forwards is holding the hand of my Lord and knowing, in my heart, that He will guide me through this uncertain time.

It's Sunday night. The end of another weekend. I'm still waiting for answers and knowing that time is slipping quietly by. Two weeks tomorrow, I might well be on a plane, leaving South Africa for another adventure in another part of the world, or I might be staying in Hoedspruit for another South African adventure to come my way.

It's been ten months since I arrived in South Africa. I've gone through a lot of change since arriving here. My hair is longer (good news for some people) and my natural color has almost completely returned (also really good news for some). I've lost quite a bit of weight and, somehow, I hope I've gained some wisdom, thanks to the insight of my parents and close friends.

On the topic of friends, I've been fortunate to Skype some of my dear friends, over the last few weeks. Friends I've made during my DTS, my time in boarding school and from my homeschooling days back when I wore my hair in French braids and wore dresses a lot of the time. Even though our conversations were totally dependent on Internet speed in town, and the lowvelt weather, it was great being able to talk about who we've become. I am ever so grateful with some of the people The Lord has brought into my life. Not only the people I met before moving to South Africa but also those who I've met since I got off the plane in that morning in April last year.

Hopefully I'll know more about the future soon!