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Monday 2 December 2013

Patiently Waiting: A Few Notes Of Interest

"Can I Come In?"
I'm still waiting on God. It seems that's He's been asking of me over the last few weeks and months, to wait on Him and His perfect timing.

Things have still been happening whilst I'm waiting on my Heavenly Father.

Its been a week since my teeth were taken out. The swelling has gone done completely. There's no sign at all that I had four teeth pulled out and I'm thankful I had barely any bruises (I had a small, light coloured one, which wasn't noticeable at all, but not nearly as bad as other people I know). I must say that its taken a bit of getting used to, having gaps in the back of my mouth (especially where where the twelve year old molar was taken out as the wisdom tooth is still sitting behind it). Also it's still taking some getting used to not being able to eat hard food, like popcorn and biltong. For those of you who don't know what biltong is, its the South African version of the American jerky, i.e. dried meat strips and, in my opinion, they're very tasty. Due to my sore mouth, I've been eating a lot of yogurt and soup, and though I'm starting to eat more fruit, I end up taking ibuprofen in the afternoons to counter the discomfort I end up feeling in the back of my lower mouth due to whatever I've eaten that has come in contact with the gaps where my teeth were.

(Clockwise from top left), the bush, a leopard
orchid blossoms, warthog piglets, and
a green tree frog
When December started, I got quite a shock at this realisation, because Christmas, and two birthdays (mine and my mum's) are fast approaching. I'll be turning twenty one just days before Christmas. It seems like the last year has flown by so fast. It seems like just yesterday I turned twenty and was enjoying life under a Brazilian sun, now I'll be enjoying life under the African sun I was born under. So much has changed since then. I'm year older and, in many ways, very different and very much changed since then.

Another big thing that's happening is that my beautiful sister, Hannah, is arriving soon in South Africa.  She's been in Paris, at one of the best cooking schools on the planet, since the beginning of June and will be spending Christmas and New Year's with us. She's arriving in nine days time and I'm really looking forwards to seeing her again. We've been roommates almost all our lives so I'm thrilled to be having my old roomie back again after so long! I've missed her a lot since she left!

I'm also still waiting for news about my visa, but I don't expect to hear from them, if I've got it or not for another few weeks. I must say that this visa process has been quite a journey of faith and trust in God, for me. Almost every time I think I've finished the whole process I hear that I need to send another form or photocopy of something in. A really journey of trust! Its the first time in my life, that I can remember, when I've not been able to get a visa at the border when getting into a country and had to send a form (and a whole load of other documents, like a stamped photocopy of my birth certificate) off before knowing if I've got it or not. I've had to trust that God would help me through this and now I'm trusting that He'll bring the visa in, at the right time.

Until next time!