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Thursday 5 June 2014

Worldview And The Movies

It's approaching the end of another incredible week. This last week has been really busy and with quite a few changes to the normal schedule, but I've really enjoyed the lecture content.

We've one of the staff from YWAM Kona teaching us this week. This man runs the film production school over there and knows a lot about production and behind the scenes stuff. We've spent quite a lot of lesson time going through different video camera types, as well as the different types of angles to give different perspectives to a film. We've also been watching a few short clips, when the speaker will point out which type of angle is being used. I love watching movies, however we're really busy during the day, and usually I'm too tired to watch anything beyond part of a BBC documentary before crashing.

You're probably wondering what worldview has got to do with watching and making films. This topic is something we've been looking at this last week. Have you ever watched a film and found that there's something about it that's forced you not to finish the film? The reason for this is simple, you were raised to believe that certain things are right and other things are wrong. Sometimes the film makers produce a film that has an amazing message but will use different aspects (like violence) to portray the film's message in a deeper way. If they made the film without using those aspects then the film's message doesn't have the same impact on the viewers. There has also been a long history, in the church, when certain aspects of the arts (poetry, journalism, novels, media, etc) have been shunned because of the views of different people in the church. It doesn't mean that every aspect of the arts is wrong because of the contents. I love reading novels, many of them aren't written by Christians, but that doesn't make these novels necessarily bad. I write a lot of poetry as a form of expressing myself. Not all of them look like anything you'd find in the biblical books of Psalms and Proverbs. In saying this, I don't want to offend anyone else's opinions, nor am I saying that what you believe is wrong. I also want to ask that you don't take offense by what I've written. We're allowed to believe what we choose.

Then in the afternoons we've been doing practical workshops. Two days ago we had to practice taking photos of each other. One of the other girls and I kind of misunderstood, so we were taking close up photos of a lot of objects. I love taking photos, so all the photos from the last two days are posted here.

Since we got back from The King's Lodge, a number of staff have come back from Argentina where the previous BLS and the arts team had gone to, on outreach. So how the work duties work has changed as well. My work duty, currently, is cleaning the after dinner dishes, and putting the cereals and the spoons out for breakfast (and putting them away afterwards). I'm not sure when they're gonna rotate the work duties, as they usually do that every two weeks or so.

Tonight we're watching a film together before going to Notting Hill for the introduction of the art interns. One of the three YWAM London houses is the Arts House. Twice a year they run art internships. One of the LMD students is leaving to do an internship and one of our stuff members is also going to do it. It's really sad that we're loosing them. Later on in the school one of the girls will be staffing the counseling school so won't be going on outreach with us. It's gonna take some getting used to.

Tomorrow we've got lectures, work duties and then in the evening we've got evangelism in Wembley. Saturday's following the normal schedule of King's Kids and, I think, we've got evangelism in the afternoon. Sunday morning is when I'm really looking forwards to because one of the girls from my DTS is coming to visit. She's arriving in the morning and staying Sunday night. She's leaving Monday evening. I'm really looking forwards to seeing her as I've not seen her in over a year.

Tell next time!