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Monday 2 June 2014

Film Seminar

Its the beginning of another week. We only got back from Nuneaton yesterday evening. I really enjoyed my time there but it's great being back in London.

To give a quick update of what we were doing over the weekend (and since my last post), Friday afternoon we took shifts directing the cars that were coming into the base. The majority of the YWAMers were in tents over the weekend so we directed them where to drop their camping stuff off and then where to park their cars when they came back. Then we had an awesome worship session together as a YWAM family. There were people from YWAM bases all across England and Wales. There were so many stories going around about God's goodness is so many different ways and how God was able to open doors and provide what each base needed.

One of the highlights of the weekend, for me, was that I was able to meet one of the staff who'd been working at Holmstead Manor at the time my parents were there. It was great being able to talk to him about different things and about what my parents are doing in Uganda and South Africa.

Another thing I was involved in over the weekend was the kids. I was one of the LMD students working with the three and four year olds during the morning meetings on Saturday and Sunday. It was a lot of fun for me because I love working with young kids. There were loads of kids that first morning but the number of kids dwindled on Sunday. We had a lot of tears as the kids had all been in tents and as many of you know, the tent material is really thin so the light kept many of them awake until late and woke them up early. So we were giving a lot of hugs and stuff. In a few cases someone had to run for one of the parents because the child was so desperate for their "mummy" or "daddy."

In the afternoons we were involved with the inflatables again, though we were on shorter shifts. I found it quite fun walking about and running for drinks for the Argintine guys who were manning the barbecue.

Looking to the coming week, we have a film seminar running at the moment. It started this morning and is running until Friday. I've been able to unpack from the week away and am really looking forwards to what we're going to be doing this next week. It's gonna be very exciting. We also got new work duties this afternoon. I'm on evening dinner clean up. So in the evenings after dinner I'm cleaning up the kitchen and the pans that were used to cook the food and putting the breakfast stuff out.

Talking about films, the long awaited video that we've done for the media project is finally on YouTube. Click here to see it!

The photographs: the first one is of my beloved Rogue hat that I bought in South Africa about a year ago. It's gotten wet three times now and is still in good shape. I'm probably gonna have it for a very long time. The nice thing with this type of hat is that it can be flattened and will still retain it's shape when you push it into place. And the second photo is the entrance to The King's Lodge. I'll post more photos later on this week.