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Tuesday 31 January 2017

Flying Past

Nieuwe Kerk
I can't quite believe how fast 2017 is going past. I mean, its the last day of January now and February begins tomorrow. January has been a very busy month. My dad's been here for two weeks and I've been able to spend quite a bit of time with him... usually in the car, as we've traveled from one place to another. He came to Redeemer with me this last Sunday and he's met some of my friends, just like I've met some of his friends, who I haven't seen in years. Its been a lot of fun but quite busy and to some degree, tiring. Thankfully I've been able to take a week off work, to spend with him.

January's been a busy month, but a good one. I've grown a lot as a person as I've had to step out in areas where I wouldn't normally have stepped out in... sometimes we need to choose the hard path because its the right one to walk down. So often I've wanted to walk down the easy path for that simple reason. It was the easy path to take, but the results aren't the same and I might easily end up somewhere totally different that where I had planned to go, or where God had wanted to take me. I've seen in my self that I grow the most when there's a little bit of pressure on me to grow. If I'm left to my own devices and don't bother challenging myself, then I know I wouldn't grow. Its a journey I'm on and I want to share bits and pieces with you as the process moves along. I can't share everything with you because sometimes the challenges I face are too personal to share on such a public domain or because it involves other people, people who have had an influence on me in some way or other.

February's going back to a more normal schedule. I started work on Monday and I'm going to be coming in every day until the end of the month. I head back to England for another Impact Training. Like the last training block, I'm going over by bus. Hopefully there won't be any strikes on the Underground or bad traffic jams that'll make me late. I'm also headed back to the gym this month (life has been too busy in January and I've also had a pretty bad cold).

I'll write again in about two weeks time.